Jan at Active Listening

Active Listening, Hawkes Bay NZ was set up and created by Jan, who searched for some tools that helped Children and Adults alike who struggle with  concentration, stress, learning difficulties, audio-processing, sleep and sensory-processing conditions.

With 30+ years of teaching experience and a master's in Education Jan totally understood that by applying customised therapies that focus on audio-processing she was able to help her clients (from children to adults) to lead happier and healthier lives.  Jan is a level 4 Tomatis consultant and has also offers movement and tutoring programmes.  Talk to Jan today to find out the best solution for you and/ or your child

At Active Listening, we have a range of tutoring, movement, and audio-processing tools that can help with a large variety of learning and listening difficulties, based in Hastings Hawkes Bay NZ.

Movement programmes stimulate and integrate the vestibular, proprioception, tactile and visual systems all at once. They are designed to give the brain the opportunity to “rewire” the neural pathways and strengthen the foundations so academic learning becomes easier.

Tutoring can include combinations of:

  • Movement skills

  • Sensory integration

  • Structured literacy / phonological processing  

  • Mathematics skills using materials

  • Reading

  • Writing

Personalized programmes that help calm the chaos, optimise brain and body connections to allow people to lead happier, healthier lives.

Our programmes help many with the following conditions: 

Children and Teenagers

Our listening programmes can help with many learning & behavioural difficulties in children

 Is homework a battle in your house?

  • Is your child often tired?

  • Does your child struggle to read, write, spell, and remember basic facts?

  • Is your child anxious?

  • Can others understand your child's speech?

  • Is sleep a problem?

    If you answered  YES click find out more.

Movement programmes  work on primitive and postural reflexes

Tutoring using structured literacy and/or developmental activities

Adult Listening programmes

Age-related or industrial hearing loss can cause difficulties with our balance, posture, muscle tone, communication, and energy levels.

When we feel stressed or anxious the brain is often not receiving accurate information.

Signs of audio-processing difficulty include needing the T.V. on full volume, miss-hearing what our loved ones say, or getting agitated by repeated noises.

At Active Listening, we have listening programmes that can help with the following:

  • Hearing Loss

  • Stress

  • Learning Difficulties

  • Audio Processing